About Us

En Xin Charity was founded on 28 February 2018 as a Non-Profit Organisation to help the disadvantages people like child, homeless, rehab center, orphanage, and old folk home to provide them education, surplus food, two meals a day, medical support. We` also have group medical plan and personal accident plan solely for En Xin Members, first and only in Malaysia.

However, our En Xin Members are increase gradually more than 200 pax, and we are separate to few part known as En Xin Soup Kitchen, En Xin Food Bank, Restoran Dapur Sedap, En Xin Education Hub & En Xin Medical Care to support the disadvantages.

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En Xin Charity 恩心慈善機構
Every little contribution we make today leads to a better world. It helps the children to improve their well-being and realises their little wishes that meant a whole world to them.
En Xin Soup Kitchen (Restoran Dapur Sedap) 恩心积善食堂
Every Sunday
Provide daily vegetation meals to old folks, OKU and needy group
En Xin EduHub 恩心教育
Every Sunday
Provide Free Tuition Class, School Subsidy, School Uniform & etc. to needy kids
En Xin MediCare 恩心医疗
Provide free clinic, medical check up & support for needy group

About Founder

1998年三月以兼职加入寿险行业,同年考入汝来英迪大(Inti University Nilai),并在2010年底完成荣誉学士学历(Bachelor of Business Information Technology)

1998年幵始,每一年连续完成国际品质奖(International Quality Award, IQA. USA) 2006年至2017年连续完成行业最高指标美国百万圆座会员资格 (Million Dollar Round Table, USA)期间在2014年至2016年连续三年 完成超级圆座会员资格(Court of Table, USA),马来西亚寿险理财师公会 (NAMLIFA)举办全马AKARD个人销售奖包括两次首七名和十一名的头 衔,森州分行以个人和组织在多次夺下冠军头衔,并且成就多为人才荣获奖项。

2012年幵始足迹于慈善志业。至今受思团体包括慈济吉隆坡国际学校,慈济台湾大爱台, 慈济马六甲国际学校,慈济麻坡静思堂,文丁恩典慈善福利机构恩典老人院,恩典爱幼儿少中心.恩典彩虹园地,芙蓉缅甸难民儿童早餐计划,尼泊尔佛教中小学等

2017年荣获JCI马来西亚杰出育年奖个人成就奖(2017 Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian, TOYM)最后四十强的荣耀并完成法国北欧大学 (Sabi University)商业管理系博士学位(Doctor in Business Administration, DBA)

2018年成立了恩心慈善机构持续的发展慈善事业,同时荣获JCI马来西亚十大杰出青年奖(2018 Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian, TOYM) 得主,在马来西亚寿险行业成为首位女将。

2019年成立 En Xin Restoran Dapur Sedap 恩心积善食堂,并扩大到每个月至少领取10吨的新鲜蔬菜,面包,水果等物资以及扶持超过40 间 位于吉隆坡,雪兰莪,芙蓉,柔佛 等的中心。

2019年荣获 JCI Malaysia Sustainable Development Award, 此项荣耀获得联合国(United Nations)承认 。

Organization Chart

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